Building a Personal Brand

The third chapter of, "Social Media for Strategic Communication" was about personal and professional branding. Karen Freyberg suggests asking ourselves several questions about who you are and where you want your brand to go. These questions are:

   1. How would you define yourself? List five words that capture who you are.
   2. What experiences have helped define you as a person and professional?
   3. How do you communicate with others? Is your voice different from group to group, or is it the same?
   4. How do others in your community feel about you? What consistent themes emerge?
   5. What is your personal mission statement?
   6. Who are you right now, and where do you want to be?

After you finish your internal audit of your ready to move forward. Karen’s first suggestion is to keep your brand image and voice consistent. After reading this section, it reminded me a lot of the podcast Emily Brock and I did. We talked about what you post onto your social media reflects your personal brand. If you haven’t listened yet, check it out here. Your future employers or clients are more likely to look at each of your platforms than just one. Presenting yourself consistently throughout each platform could ultimately be the reason you have a job.

If you do your research about what is trending, produce creative content and give the people what they want, your skills will tremendously improve in effectively promoting your personal brand. My favorite way to research is by focusing on the analytics. I’ve had experiencing posting on Facebook for a brand, and I always used the analytics to my advantage. I would compare the number of clicks between each post. This allowed me to see if the posts were reaching the largest possible audience. Also, I used Canva to create visually appealing content. It’s a great way to create free promotional ads that are high quality.

Be conscious about what you post on your social media platforms to protect your personal brand. It’s important for the future of your professional career to have a positive representation of yourself on the internet.
