The Ultimate Comeback of Dunkaroos

Image result for dunkaroosWere you born in the 90s? If yes, you probably remember the ultimate snack, Dunkaroos. If not, you missed out on mouthwatering deliciousness. It was a snack that consisted of small cookies that you loaded with delicious frosting. There are various flavors of frosting, but in my opinion the vanilla is the only important (and good) one.

Dunkaroos was first launched back in 1988 under the Betty Crocker name, and very quickly become children’s favorite treat. Despite their high nostalgic taste, the product started disappearing from stores in the early 2000s. Most of production and marketing ended in 2012 in the United States.

For some reason, production continued in various countries like Australia and Canada. People craved the sugary snack so often that the website Smugglaroos was created for Canadians who were traveling into the United States. If that doesn’t explain the hype for Dunkaroos, I don’t know what will. The saying, “desperate times calls for desperate measures” makes sense when people started paying extremely highly inflated prices to get their hands on Dunkaroos. I’m not here to shame people who pay that price, because I’ve contemplated it.

To this day, I’m still questioning why Dunkaroos vanished from the shelves in America. Back in 2018, Retrobrands USA attempted to revive the dormant snack, but General Mills immediately sued for breaching a previous settlement agreement. Fast forwarding over unnecessary legal terms… Dunkaroos published a tweet that was going to change lives.

Back on Feb. 3, Dunkaroos announced the return of the greatest snack of all time through a hilarious tweet. Get so pumped, because they will be back (and better than ever) this summer. Move over Rainbow Chip Frosting and Teddy Grahams, the “OG” has arrived!


  1. I just love a good comeback story! I really loved this snack so much growing up as a kid and I have missed them. The return of the dunkaroos makes me so excited because it is like I get to relive my childhood. Thanks for sharing Paige! Great work.

  2. I am so happy these are coming back! These bring back so many good memories! I feel as though I can even imagine how they tasted! I also, love how they announced that hey are coming back! Using Twitter as a way to make their return known was a great idea!


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