What are Cookies?

I’m sorry if you clicked on this blog in hopes to read about warm and delicious chocolate chip cookies. This blog is going to be about a different type of cookies. Now my mouth is watering because I’m thinking about chocolate chip cookies, is yours?

The cookies I’ll be talking about are the ones embedded in the deep dark hole we call the internet. They are a type of message that is given to a web browser by a web server. The purpose of them aren’t to satisfy your sweet tooth, but to store settings and information to customize your web page.

Sometimes I appreciate cookies, like during Christmas time when I’m shopping for gifts to give. That’s when I usually say, “Wow, my computer just knows me,” but it actually does. For example, if I put a pair of shoes in my Amazon cart, all my other social media apps will have shoe ads magically appear. If you haven’t caught on already, it’s not magic, it’s cookies!

Online retailers will use cookies to gain information like what items go into your shopping cart, what you click on, how many times you visit the website or record your login information. If you’re scared to ever go back onto the internet, there’s a way to manage your cookies. In most browsers, under “Privacy” in your settings, there’s a way to delete existing cookies or adjust the amount of protection from them.

Next time you are on a website, check to see if a message pops up in the bottom corner asking to use cookies so you have a better experience. In my opinion, I think internet cookies can be useful, but at the same time creepy and annoying.


  1. I did think this blog was going to be about cookies! But I appreciate you writing about internet cookies and giving us insight about it. I always thought my computer knew me so well but it all makes sense now! Great blog Paige!

  2. Like Emily stated, I originally thought it was going to be about cookies lol. i like your twist on the topic. This was very informative, I always accepted cookies, but I didn't really know what it was for. I would always wonder, why the things I was looking for on amazon would pop up as an add on the internet or social media. You did a good job!


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