My Favorite Virutal Tools to Use

During this time of social distancing, online tools have been more helpful then ever. The use of virtual tools, like video conferencing, have probably skyrocketed in the past few weeks. I’m going to share some of the ways I’ve utilized these tools to try and keep a regular schedule during the transition to online classes.

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My only class I have to be virtually online for is Aggie’s Social Media Principles. I have enjoyed Zoom, because it allows you to see everyone and gives the option to change your background. I enjoy seeing my classmates faces, because it makes not being in the classroom a little more bearable.

I have also used Zoom for our volleyball workouts. Prior to moving home, our spring season workouts consisted of small group workouts on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Our coach has suggested doing them virtually to stay motivated and accountable. On Sunday I sent out all the invites for my groups so everyone knows what time the workout will start. Our first virtual workout was this morning and it was successful. If you had a workout buddy on campus, I highly suggest keeping up with it through some sort of video app.

Image result for google hangouts logoWhen I was on campus, I attended bible study every Thursday with my volleyball coach, Katie Kuhn. She felt it was important to keep meeting to make sure our mental health was in check with being at home. She has utilized Google Hangouts to keep us girls connected. I think her favorite tool on the app is the mute button, because we are all very loud!

Another tool being utilized is the live feature on Instagram and Facebook. I’ve seen various artist go live for their fans to mimic a concert. With all the concerts being cancelled, I think social media has opened a whole new world for entertainment. For example, Luke Combs did a livestream concert on Facebook and DJ D-Nice went live on Instagram and had a dance party with nearly 160,000 people.

In my opinion, social media’s tools have eased our transition to online schooling and even working from home. I haven’t used a video conferencing tool in the past, but I am a true believer in the importance of them. Which is your favorite tool to use while having class online?


  1. I'm glad that the transition to online classes hasn't been too crazy for you. I like using Zoom too, but I also enjoy Google Meets for some of my other classes. Maybe I should try using Zoom on my laptop instead of my phone so I can figure out how to change my background!


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