My Weekend at Home!

This past weekend I went home after being at college for a month and wow was it refreshing. There’s no better feeling than going home after some time away to see your family, friends and of course… pets! Typically, during a regular volleyball season, I would see my family almost every weekend or more. So, weekly phone and FaceTime calls have been something I’ve had to get used to.

I stayed in Ada on Friday because FOMO is a SERIOUS and real thing. There’s this feeling you get when you’re at home that you are absolutely missing out on the fun. Because of this, I headed home on Saturday morning. My Saturday started with a long walk around my hometown with my sister, Erika. It’s always good to catch up in person and talk about life. I had a baptism on Saturday night for my boyfriend’s godson. It was great to see his family for the first time since I left for school at the beginning of August.

I spent my Sunday at home just like everyone should… lazy and relaxing. Once I felt like being productive, I swept out my car and washed it. It’s the most Sunday activity to do… right? Since I’ve been wanting to accomplish this task for weeks, it feels good to have it clean. I headed back to Ada Sunday night but made a pit stop at Kroger on the way for my weekly groceries.

I had a lowkey weekend and didn’t have much going on, but it was good to be home. I feel like when I’m at college I get caught up in my busy schedule and all I do is sleep, eat, go to practice, go to class, go to meetings, do homework and repeat. Being at home gives me time to breathe and not think about school. The hardest part about leaving and saying goodbye to my family is not knowing to next time I’ll see them. I have no pictures from being home, so here's a picture of my family!


  1. What a beautiful family! I'm headed home this weekend and I'm so excited to escape the Ada bubble and give myself some space to breathe and relax (since I too feel like I'm go, go, GO all the time when I'm here). Also... you may or may not have inspired me to sweep out my car when I go home... we will see what happens...


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