I am Positive...

We have made it to the last blog. It feels like 13 blogs is a lot, but time has flown by. I’m ending this semester in the best way possible… in quarantine. Totally kidding! I actually ended up testing positive which is truly mind-blowing. After seeing the COVID statistics on TV and hearing the horror stories of this nasty virus, I always thought… there’s no way I could get it. Well, here I am on day “who knows” of being in isolation. Most days, I have this “aha moment” of realizing I seriously have the COVID.

The answer to how I, along with two of my roommates, contracted the COVID is still up in the air. Not knowing exactly where and when it came from is frustrating. I was tested Friday after being contact traced and developing systems. Since then, I’ve been hunkering down in Ada, because I obviously didn’t want to bring the COVID home to my family.

My symptoms started just being a stuffy and runny nose with an earache. Just your typical weather-related sickness. As the days went on, it became harder and harder to walk up and down the stairs. You know that feeling when you’re short of breath and seeing stars… that was me! Then came Sunday… the worst day of all. The browns lost and I lost my senses of taste and smell. Sidenote – never take being able to smell or taste for granted. I’m trying to eat all good and healthy foods, because why not… I can’t taste it anyway! Without these senses, the consumption of alcohol is a little scary, because it just tastes like water. LOL!

At the end of the day, I’m still healthy and OK. I’m glad my roommates and I have mild symptoms, the energy to do online school and the motivation to get to the finish line. I’m glad I was only around my roommates and didn’t have to contact trace anyone else. 

Since being in quarantine and testing positive, the support my roommates and I have received makes me speechless. So many people were willing to bring us goodies and send their kind words. Each day, my volleyball coaches have been sending funny, uplifting videos to brighten our day. Right now, all I am asking for is prayers that I get my taste and smell back soon. To show our appreciation to those who’ve supported us, we took a picture, made a thank you card and are going to write (sanitized) hand-written notes. It’s the least we could do for everyone giving us sweets that we can’t even taste…

On that note, thanks for reading my blog throughout the semester! I hope none of you get the COVID!



  1. I love you COVID #3 ... You will get through this and I promise everything will be ok. We are almost done with school and you are absolutely killing the game. Try to stay as positive as you can and remember you have such a good group of supporters! I loved reading all your blogs this semester!

  2. I can't believe you are positive. It's so surreal. I did just find one of my close friends has it. (I never see her anymore but I do keep in contact with her.) She has a lot of symptoms and is having a tough time so it's good yours are just mild. Hopefully the rest of your quarantine isn't too bad and you don't get anymore symptoms. I'll definitely be praying.


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