My Final Farewell

My blogs for Social Media Principles have come to end, but I couldn't end my blogs for this semester titled, "Hackers are Hijacking Zoom," it just didn't feel right. I felt like I had to give a final goodbye for my blogs relating to life at ONU, social media, and various book topic.

I begin blogging back in January and quickly became obsessed. I loved just letting my fingers on the keyboard follow the thoughts from my mind. My ideas were overflowing back in January and February, but that began to fade. I would have blog topics planned out for weeks to come, but when the weather began to warm up and my motivation for school was fading, I found myself scrambling for topics and experienced writers block (that's a real thing). My roommates probably got sick of me telling them what I was blogging about or asking for suggestions.

Thank you to everyone (mostly my classmates) for reading my blogs and taking the time to comment. Another person I wanted to give a shoutout to is my Grandma Becky. I would send her the links to all my blogs and she read them all. I loved hearing what she had to say about it, or what her favorite parts were. My Grandma Becky and I are very similar in many ways (we even looked identical in grade school), but my love for writing might just come from her. My grandma has such a way with words. Since I've been playing junior high sports to today, she has always sent me a motivational poem (that typically rhymed) before a game. They always make me laugh and put a smile on my face. She's one of my biggest supporters and there's nothing like looking over to the "grandparent section" in Kinghorn during a big game and seeing grandma and grandpa. Thank you for your constant support. I love you Grams!

Throughout the summer, I am challenging myself to blog. I want to blog when exciting things happen, that I can document through storytelling. Whether that's a family vacation, weekend shopping trip or just a memorable experience. Not only do I want to entertain people, but I want to have these blogs to look back on forever. Maybe I'll write more freely, because they won't be graded or abiding to the AP rules! Until next time... 


  1. I agree completely! I am excited to keep posting blogs when I have something interesting to say and just express myself freely. I have a feeling that since I don't have to upload three blogs a week anymore I will probable have a little more motivation to express myself. I enjoyed reading your blogs throughout the semester and I hope to get to read more throughout the summer!


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